Qwest Long Distance Section 272 Affiliate Transactions
Master Services Agreement : Exhibit S
Exhibit S
USWC shall provide to USWLD, upon request, Sales Operations Planning
and Customer Services of USWLD products. These services include the following:
- Methods and Procedures (M&P's) development for various functional
areas within USWLD. Includes M&P's for USWLD's product plans and systems
requirements, i.e., calling plans, 1+, fraud methods, operator handled
directory assistance, prepaid cards
- Training development for customer contact employees and individual
sales channels
- Compensation plan development for sales personnel, including performance
and tracking indicators
- Development and implementation of customer service and sales processes
- Other miscellaneous sales operations activities associated with long
distance services.
USWLD shall pay USWC for such services in accordance with FCC rules
and regulations concerning transactions between USWC and its affiliates.
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