Qwest Long Distance Section 272 Affiliate Transactions
Master Services
Agreement : Exhibit B
Exhibit B
USWC shall provide Human Resources Services ("Services") to USWLD. These services include the following:
Systems Support: Provide information and subject matter expertise on USWC's Human Resource systems. Coordinate/develop and maintain programs. Revise and update programs. Develop programs to translate information into required format. Download data from one system(s) to another.
Health Services: Provide case management services related to employee sickness/accident disability and worker's compensation cases. Provide medical opinion regarding the pre-employment, transfer, and promotion processes.
Management Compensation: Provide assistance, advice and consultation in the following areas: job descriptions, job evaluations, salary structure and/or wage structure, incentive and bonus plans, performance appraisal process, technical and professional hierarchies.
Leadership Succession: Administer and maintain the U S WEST management succession plan and act as a resource to USWLD. Evaluate candidates, determine appropriate matches, and propose candidates for key positions in the corporation. Maintain administrative files on key candidates. Direct, administer and maintain the Accelerated Development Programs for USWLD. Facilitate movement of key candidates.
Management/Occupational Staffing: Obtain and process the best qualified candidate to fill USWLD's job openings. Develop and administer U S WEST Compensation Guidelines for Management new hires. Train recruiters and line managers on interviewing. Promote job tours, job orientation, and career fairs.
Interview, screen, and test potential candidates. Select qualified candidates. Analyze testing results to ensure reliable measurements of skills and/or abilities. Provide consultation and training to USWLD.
Qualify force surplus and transfer requests. Administer the processing of surplus and displaced employees. Provide counseling to surplus employees.
Education: Administration of the Tuition Assistance Plan.
Diversity Strategies/Policies: Administer the corporate guidelines that will include: policy/strategy/direction/counsel relevant to diversity. Develop and distribute compliance guidelines. Provide diversity development and administration.
University Relations: Provide for the hiring and placement of college new hires. Promote job tours, orientation and career fairs. Administer the internship program.
Relocation: Provide consultation to employees relocating as a result of company initiated moves. Act as liaison with outside vendors. Arrange for advances/reimbursements relating to moving expenses.
Labor Relations: Provide assistance, advice, and consultation in matters relating to Labor Relations. Act as bargaining agent on USWLD's behalf. Negotiate labor contracts between USWLD and the Union(s).
USWC shall provide such Services, individually or collectively, in accordance with FCC rules and regulations.
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